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Showing 1–20 of 209 results

  • Salt and Pepper Phantom Shield Slice 1.24ct

  • Double Cut Salt and Pepper Pear 1.22ct

  • Rose Cut Salt and Pepper Shield 2.37ct

  • Rose Cut Salt and Pepper Phantom Hexagon 1.21ct

  • 0.91ct Salt and Pepper Heart Shape Full Cut

  • 0.84 Salt and Pepper Kite/Shield Step Cut

  • 0.74 Champagne Emerald Cut

  • Rose Cut | Matched Pair Cognac Pear 4.8CT

  • Rose Cut | Matched Pair Salt and Pepper Marquise 1.59CT

  • Rose Cut | Matched Pair Yellow Green With Red Inclusion Pear Shape 8.94CT

  • Rose Cut | Matched Pair Yellow Cushion 1.60CT

  • 0.68ct Peach Fan Rose Cut

  • Unique Cushion Rose Cut 1.25CT

  • Round Brilliant Salt and Pepper 2.47CT

  • 0.99 Salt and PepperEmerald Rose Cut

  • Double Cut Salt and Pepper Pear Shape 2.52CT

  • Salt and Pepper Rose Cut Shield 1.57ct

  • Rose Cut Half Moon 1.91CT

  • Round Brown Brilliant 1.41CT

  • Light Brown Full Cut Pear Shape .58ct


Showing 1–20 of 209 results