
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
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15 items

  • Salt and Pepper Phantom Shield Slice 1.24ct

  • Rose Cut Salt and Pepper Shield 2.37ct

  • 0.84 Salt and Pepper Kite/Shield Step Cut

  • Salt and Pepper Rose Cut Shield 1.57ct

  • Salt and Pepper Shield 1.38ct

  • Double Cut Salt and Pepper Shield 2.13ct

  • Double Cut Salt and Pepper Shield 2.60ct

  • Rose Cut Grey Shield 2.62ct

  • Matched Pair | Salt and Pepper Rose Cut Shield 2.84ct

  • Rose Cut | Cognac Shield from South Africa 1.03ct

  • Double Cut | Salt and Pepper Unique Shield from Canada 2.68ct

  • Rose Cut | Salt and Pepper Shield from Canada 1.81ct

  • Rose Cut | Yellow Green Shield 3.47ct

  • Double Cut | Salt and Pepper Fan Cut 0.87ct

  • Rose Cut | Orange Shield 1.04ct


15 items